Saturday, August 21, 2010

Are copkiller cases really given higher priority than other murder investigations?

In a state that has capital punishment killing a police officer is a capital offense (regalrdless of the how or why) The same goes for a firfighter or medical staff.

As for how they are investigated and the man hours spent on them. Technically no, but much like if you worked at a hospital and came in with a serious injury they are going to go the extra extra mile to help you out becuase you are one of there own. It is human nature to do so.Are copkiller cases really given higher priority than other murder investigations?
They should. Ppl who kill law enforcement obviously don't have any respect for authority and therefore are the most dangerous to society considering there's no one their afraid to kill.Are copkiller cases really given higher priority than other murder investigations?
Yes. To kill a police officer is to commit a crime against society so heinous that it shows a complete disregard for society and the law. Such a person cannot be allowed to remain free and must be brought to justice.
First off, berthiaumechristopher, that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read. Get out of jail free card? That is laughable!!!! So if a person with a non-existent get out of jail free card murders someone, you think they ';get off Scott free???'; You need to wake up and get some real world experience friend.

As for the actual question. They are not given a higher priority but you will see more cops working them and more guys trying to help for 2 main reasons. 1 - it is a brother/sister officer and in any job, you go out of your way to help those people. And 2 - if someone is bold/stupid/crazy/etc enough to kill a cop, the last line of defense the general public has from criminals, do you really think that person is going to care about killing a civilian? And if cop killers are not brought to justice and made to pay for their crime/s, what makes you think that they won't be out there being just as brutal and vicious with your family, friends, etc? If people don't get caught/found, arrested and tried for killing cops, who will be left to protect the citizens when more cops start dying?
Not a higher priority, just a more urgent one. Just as it should be. The Police are family, just like Soldiers and Fire fighters. The Police are just like anyone else, If a building is burning and a person is trapped, some Fire Fighter will try to get you out, but if another Fire Fighter is trapped, the whole damn Fire Department and most other departments will show up to run in there to get him, even if its on their own time because they all know it could well have been them in that building. It's the same for the Police, If someone is killed, Some Officers or Detectives will be assigned the case and try and find who did it, but if another officer is killed, the whole damn department and most all departments around will try to find who did it even if they are ';off duty'; because they know that it damn sure could have been any of them also.
I'm not entirely sure about which cops you are specifically talking about, but many states do have a capital punishment for murdering a government official.

For instance, murdering a DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) offical is a sure-fire way to get arrested and thrown into United States federal prison. A planned, premeditated murder will get you a one-way ticket to death row.

Again, I cannot pinpoint as to which federal officer you are talk about, but generally these types of cases have speedier processes. And as I stated before, they will always get you for killing certain people (DEA). Even if it takes the government twenty years to catch you...
Does a bear poop in the woods? They look out for their own, and killing one of them is the ultimate taboo in their eyes, as if their lives have more value than ours. It's just another case of everyone looking out for their own interests. They happen to have government power and authority to advance their interests at the expense of everyone elses. Just a fringe benefit, I suppose. The risk comes with the territory. If they don't want the risk, then they should find a job doing day care, or something. In my eyes, the life of a cop has no more value than the life of any other good law abiding citizen. Ever hear of a ';get out of jail free'; card? Rumor has it that cops hand them out to friends and relatives. Then, if a holder of such a card gets caught in some offenses by a cop, he can present his card and get off scot free! Just another fringe benefit. So much for justice! Seems like bullplucky to me!
yes. cops are the worst people. they like to harass folks. they sit in the donut shops and stuff their faces. all they know who to do is pull people over and harass them on crap. they use our tax money for crap and don't solve cases that have been opened for years. i wounder why we have police officers in the first place. they are like the govt. we need new law officers.
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