Saturday, August 7, 2010

In California, can you, as a minor , attend/ listen to any court cases?

I just need to know if I can walk into a courtroom, sit down, and not be asked to leave.In California, can you, as a minor , attend/ listen to any court cases?
A minor can attend any judicial proceeding which is open to the public. (Well, I did see some proceedings involving pornography which were open only to adults, but that is very rare.) You will probably also find that during breaks, the attorneys and the bailiff (if there are no prisoners in the courtroom) will be happy to talk to you about what is going on, you might even get to talk to the judge.

You might be asked who you are, but that is not to get you to leave. Sometimes witnesses or other people involved in proceedings are not supposed to be in the courtroom, or attorneys may have subpoenaed somebody they have never seen and want to know who you are. If you tell them you are just there observing, that will be fine.In California, can you, as a minor , attend/ listen to any court cases?
Yes a lot of cases you can attend.
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